Pay What Its Worth For You! I am deeply inspired by the gratitude and abundance method of payback used by Frederic Laloux, Author of Reinventing Organizations. (http://www.reinventingorganizations.com) With his permission I would like to follow the same and use some of the content from his page and the entire concept. Thank you Frederic! You have a choice. Either you can download the book at its fixed price of $ 4.80 OR you can download it without paying anything now. Read the book and see what it is worth for you. The idea is that, “ I am not in a position to understand what the book is worth to you, so I’m not sure a fixed price makes much sense.” This is an experiment in abundance where I trust that when I give, I will also receive. My personal experience tells me that books could be deeply meaningful, even transformative for our person or the way we see the World. At other times they may not mean much. Paying the same price for both, just because I didn’t know upfront, has always often struck me as odd. Spontaneously, it would have liked to pay less than the list price in some cases, and more in others. So here is the experiment: I give you the book, and you give back whatever it has been worth to you. How does it work? Put a note in your calendar some time in the future (say in a month’s time) to consider what you’d like to gift back, if you liked the book. (This website will send you an automatic mail a month after download, but don’t count on it to remind you. These mails often get lost or filtered out). Fill out the form below to download the book. I love the thought that at this very moment, no one knows what the book will mean to you, and what you will want to give back. – Abha – [cube_horizontal_line] Just to be clear: Pay-What-Feels-Right is not “free”. It’s an invitation to give what feels right for the value you’ve received from the book. The content of the book itself is copyrighted. Please don’t forward the copy you download to other people, but refer them to this page instead.
You’ve read the book and want to give back? You wonder how much to give? Here are two tips to help you determine what amount feels right for you.