Attack the De-motivators OF OUR FUTURE ….
Yet another series of blastsin Delhi, I was in Delhi when this happened , luckily I was not in either of the places where the blasts took place .I have lived and grown up in one of these places, worked in one other, always shop in one of these, so it came as quite a shock for the proximity that we all have to attacks like these. I was flooded with phone calls asking if I hadn’t been adventurous that day and if I was safe. Every time something like this happens, insecurity takes over for a few days and it de motivates us, yet again, one more time…..there are people attacking our today, our future and we have no control over it.
THE ONLY THING WE HAVE CONTROL OVER IS US AND HOW WE CAN CONTINUE WITH OUR LIVES WITH EVEN MORE DETERMINATION, GET TO OUR GOALS FASTER and make a giant difference in parts of our life, so we can face any eventuality.
THERE ARE HOWEVER FEW OTHER THINGS THAT CAN DE MOTIVATE BIG TIME. We need to attack all of these like fighters as they affect our future in some way or the other and they are things that we live with as our own. They become so ingrained in our life and future that it’s difficult to get rid of them….I want you to get rid of them.
1 – DIVERSIONS and TEMPTATIONS: Mails, phones, TV, the bed, the gathering, the project you have been thinking of for a long time… distractions of all types .There are potentially thousands of temptations that can take your mind off your goals.
Solution: Learn to say NO to what takes you away from your goal, it is not always a negative word.
2 – GOALLESSNESS : I am not sure if there is a word like this one but I am sure you understand what I am saying. If you are not clear on what you want, when you want it,
how you want it and how you will get it, it’s not a real goal, just a fantasy. You need to be able to see it, feel it and taste it and then stick to it. Keep feeling the achievement of the goals.
Solution: If you haven’t yet got them, start with one goal a day or even a slightly bigger one for the week, slowly you will get into the habit. This is one habit that will go a long way to secure your future.
3 – NETWORK: Create a network that helps you to get to your goal while you help them get to theirs. In everything you do, some one or the other might also be involved. When you sit and think you have to do it all alone, it can seem like an uphill task and you give up. Ask for help. It is better to get others interested in your goals while you add value to them
Solution: Know WHO is the person who can help, how YOU can help him
4 – NEGATIVE NETWORK: This set of people includes those who don’t care a bit about your dreams and goals. They will be around you but not interested in what you are doing. They would be telling you something against your own dreams and will try to take you away from it.Find out who around you cares enough. These are people you would not want to be let down, you cave in to their position and relationship. And it’s over… and then you beat yourself up wondering why you were with these people in the first place.
Solution : Cultivate focus on your goals and if there are people who don’t care….excuse yourself at the earliest opportunity.
5 – FEAR, DOUBTS, ANXIETY, WORRY, NO FAITH: Have faith in yourself and your capabilities, have faith in others who care and who have been part of your growth and have faith in every situation that it will turn out to be good
Solution: The job of negative thoughts is to take you off your decide if you want to give in or and stay on track.